Tye Dye Archives 2022

Tye Dye 2022
The Sounds of Safety and Applications of Polyvagal Theory in the Playroom

It was a wonderful weekend of “peer to peer” sharing of theory and practice. There were 5 presenters in addition to Music Therapist Jennifer Buchanan on Thursday, October 20th for a full day. This year we studied the applications of Polyvagal theory in the playroom and discussed what to look for regarding the hierarchical states of ventral vagal, sympathetic and Dorsal vagal responses in children. We discussed how to intervene and looked at the directiveness and consciousness in play therapy and therapeutic use of self.

There is no Tye Dye without a play therapy song written by Bruce Beaudet! This year’s song was entitled “Ventral Vagal Feeling” sung to the Eagles “Peaceful Easy Feeling” and accompanied by Joni Stryde on guitar. Bruce wrote a second song called “Toy Bin Alley” written to the music of Stevie Ray Vaughn and “Tin Pan Alley”. Joni advised Bruce that he needed to consult with her before writing lyrics to very difficult songs!

We tye dyed our hearts out… and dyed tote bags and sock puppets! The puppets were a lot of fun and allowed tye dyers to allow their creative selves to shine. We enjoyed yoga, use of song and voice, use of self expression, creativity and a lot of good home-made food.

Val Kendall was remembered and honoured at the 2022 Dye Dye. Val was a long-term supporter of RMPTI and of Tye Dye. She will be dearly missed.

Overall participants left with a solid feeling of rejuvenation and recovery from the year of hard clinical work. It with gratitude that such a skilled and dedicated group of therapists return year after year to join in learning and in connections and community. Until we meet again in 2023!