Advanced Sandplay Course:
Sandscenes Through the Looking Glass: A Sandplay Journey Using Case Studies for Play Therapists

Join Dr. Lorri Yasenik from Rocky Mountain Play Therapy Institute to explore the nuances of scenes in the sandtray in the play therapy context. During the “Through the Looking Glass” series, participants will study emerging imagery in the sandtray, and how to track, respond to and record metaphors and themes.

The course will review 4 cases:  1) Three and a half-year-old David, 2) Five-year-old Nicholas, 3) Eleven- year-old (almost 12) Qwill and 4) Thirty-Two -year-old Laura. The cases identify different ways of working in sand along an age and stage of development continuum as well as the presentation of different presenting issues.

This 13.5 hour (12 hours face-to-face or live online and 1.5 hours non-contact) advanced certificate program will include the adult expression, interpretation and use of sandplay as one of the play therapy approaches to working with adults. On day 2, at least one participant will have an opportunity to bring forward a case for selection and review based on one of 4 age bands (4-7, 8-11, 12-18, and adults). Additionally, play therapists will have an opportunity to personally work in the sand.

This is not an introductory course to sandplay or sandtray course and therefore those in attendance will be expected to have a basic understanding of sandplay theory and practice.

What will you need?

  • A Sandtray
  • A computer with a camera – external camera is very useful so your tray can be seen by a partner.
  • A selection of miniatures
  • Paper, markers, crayons
  • A selection of items from nature
  • Some playdough or clay

Learning Objectives

  • Assess the use of sandplay in play therapy with different age groups
  • Analyze and interpret the content in a sand scene during play therapy
  • Describe ways you may use sand with children across the age span in play therapy
  • Describe and demonstrate “use of self” in sandplay during play therapy
  • Compare in-room sandplay work to on-line sandplay as part of your play therapy practice

To access program dates see the 2024 training calendar

APT Approved Provider # 06-179                                                     CAPT Approved Provider # 09-104

APT, CAPT, & BCPTA Continuing Education Credits will only be awarded to Mental Health Professionals. All credits must be approved by the appropriate governing body and cannot be guaranteed by RMPTI. This training meets the definition of APT’s Live-Webinar.